
The not talk

So me and my wife talk in sacrament today. We each prepared something. Beverly went first and her talk was awesome. I ended up speaking by the Spirit instead of using words I had prepared. I did not prepare much, but I will share it here.

Jesus displayed the perfect example of commitment to his Father's plan and to us. Let us then be ever more perfectly commited to him. The sacrament is about rememberance; That we should remember Jesus and his atonement. We should should remember that it is something we can and should rely on everyday. The sacrament is about improvement. Let us repent everyday that we may be more mindful of ourselves and how Christlike we are. Let us remember what Christ is like that we may strive daily to be more exactly like that. May we remember
our covenants continually that they may guide our thoughts and actions. The sacrament is a renewel of those covenants. We are commanded to be perfect. That is not something that will be achieved overnight, just as rome was not built in a day. Perfection may seem like a daunting goal. Indeed, perfection is a life long, even an eternal endeavor. Let that not rest heavy on your mind. It usually takes a decade of college education to earn a PHD. I have not meet one that has allowed that daunting thought of education to stifle such a desire of pursuit. Yet such a pursuit requires dedication. It takes determination. It takes discipline and commitment. The Lord's house is a house of order. As we strive to be better and live Christlike lives, the Lord will bless us. Even as a deacon grows in understanding, ability, wisdom and courage will lead him to be ordained to the office of Teacher, then Priest and even Elder, so can we expect the such changes in our own lives as we seek daily to follow Christ's teachings. Little by little, step by step. Change does not come easy... at first. Ah yes, "at first." those are the key words. May we be mindful of our desire to change. May we allow the Lord to know our desire. May we even let the world know our desire to change. The atonement is about change. That is why we have the sacrament. It is a very
personal experiance. We chose to covenant when we chose to be baptized. As none should partake if they are not willing to repent it is really ourselves who will truly know if we are worthy or not and it is that desire to repent that makes us worthy. May we often cry unto the Lord for forgiveness with increased fervor and for strength to do better as we recall what the sacramental emblems symbolize. He gave his own broken heart and a contrite spirit as he bled and died. All that he asks is that we give our broken hearts and contrite spirits. In return we are promised many great things that are unworldly, such as peace and comfort and guidance and strength. Being the first ones to use this meeting house on the sabbath is a great privlige. We have the oppertunity to arrive a little bit early to find our seats and quietly and reverently listen to the prelude music before the first sacrament meeting begins. This should be a time of
reflection. A time that we can and should use to prepare ourselves to center and focus our minds on our Saviour and why we meet often in his name. Other thoughts, worries or converstaions should wait untill afterwards. Nothing should distract from the sacredness of this meeting. For those of you with families, this is the one meeting that we get to participate in as a family. While reverence is important, allow this meeting to be another oppertunity to teach about reverence. I say another oppertunity because we should always be teaching
gospel principles. Having a family myself, I understand that can seem difficult a times, but we are a family church. I didnt come with a manual and neither did my daugther. My parents did the best they could and I strive to follow and improve upon that example. Those of you who administer the sacrament, please remember how holy of an experiance this is. You must keep yourselves unspoted from the world. Ever strive to be an example of what it means to be Christlike to everyone you meet. Remember that you offer emblems that we all must partake,
emblems that remind us and show God that we remember our covenents and that we renew them.

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