
Keeping a record


"The Lord and His prophets have emphasized the importance of keeping records. Writing in abdominal personal journal gives us an opportunity to reflect on our lives and recognize the many blessings God has given us. Our journals can also be a source of inspiration and strength to future generations of our families."


“Writing can help you express some of the emotions—until you can let go of the feelings, learn from the experience, and consider appropriate alternatives."


" Now I’m a young adult, and keeping a journal is still a powerful way for me to express who I am as an individual and how I fit into the fabric of God’s eternal plan. You too can create a rich and meaningful history of your life experiences. What you have to offer to the world, and to the ongoing work of the restored gospel, is unique and powerful. What you give and share can start with a little introspection at the end of each day, week, or month. However you choose to keep a journal, remember that it is your chance to preserve your thoughts, feelings, and experiences for you and your posterity."

I try to keep a journal. My method is slightly unorthodox. I put pen to paper but I don't write about my day. I prefer to keep my thoughts more universal and revaltory. When the world bogs me down or lifts me up, I use my journal to remind myself of my relationship with God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. I try to see the silver lining and use it to express gratitude.

Keep your journal as you desire. There is no rule to follow except to keep your thoughts true.

The photo is the most recent page in my journal. I am able to share this because my journal is as personal to me as my testimony. Purely for example purposes of how I choose to keep a record.

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