Most Influential


Why am I always so very happy?

Topic: Happiness
"Heavenly Father desires that we find true, lasting happiness." Our happiness is the design of all the blessings He gives us—gospel teachings, commandments, priesthood ordinances, family relationships, prophets, temples, the beauties of creation, and even the opportunity to experience adversity. His plan for our salvation is often called “the great plan of happiness” (Alma 42:8). He sent His Beloved Son to carry out the Atonement so we can be happy in this life and receive a fulness of joy in the eternities."

"As I have occasion to be with wonderful people throughout the world, I am often moved by the many individuals I meet who are looking for happiness, but not quite finding it. They yearn and strive and endure, but seem to be asking, “Am I happy yet?” I desire to assure you that happiness is real. It can be experienced here, and we can know a fulness of joy in the hereafter. May I share with you some insights about the kind of happiness promised by the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Choosing and Achieving Happiness
"So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment."

Good Choices Equal Happiness
"One of the highlights of his Church service was as a bishop working with a group of more than 90 mostly active youth. Sister Nielsen said he wanted to help the young people realize how blessed they would be if they lived the gospel, so he taught them a catchphrase: “Good choices equal happiness ... eternally.” Sister Nielsen said, “Some of them repeat it back to him to this day."

Happiness through Service
"...happiness comes through serving our Heavenly Father and serving our fellowmen."

Happiness in Marriage
"The whole aim and purpose of the gospel is to enable men and women—united as one in the Lord—to create for themselves eternal family units in eternity. Celestial marriage prepares us for the greatest joy and happiness known to mortals and for eternal life in the realms ahead” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1979, 82; or Ensign, Nov. 1979, 55)."

Happiness Now and Forever
"Salvation is an eternal goal we gain by a process of constant upward change. Doubt is spiritual poison that stunts eternal growth. We must first feel our way before we can see it with any clarity. We prove ourselves by making numerous correct decisions without being absolutely sure; then comes a greater knowledge and assurance, not before.
Happiness is created. Love is its center. Its principal ingredients are sincere faith, true repentance, full obedience, and selfless service."

This is why I am so happy:
Because He Came
"Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow. As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year. It is His example which, if followed, stirs within us more kindness and love, more respect and concern for others.
Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence.
Because He came, we know how to reach out to those in trouble or distress, wherever they may be.
Because He came, death has lost its sting, the grave its victory. We will live again because He came.
Because He came and paid for our sins, we have the opportunity to gain eternal life.
Because He came, we are gathered tonight to worship Him, in bonds of brotherhood and love.
May His precious Spirit be with us, and may He ever be the center of our celebrations and indeed of our very lives, I pray in His holy name, amen."

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