Most Influential


Do we pray like we should?

In prayer we speak openly with our Father in Heaven.
"We should never give in to the idea that we are not worthy to pray. This idea comes from Satan, who wants to convince us that we must not pray (see 2 Nephi 32:8). If we do not feel like praying, we should pray until we do feel like praying."

Supernal Gift of Prayer
"When we contemplate the incomparable gift of prayer and the limitless blessings that flow from it, honest appreciation fills our mind and heart to overflowing with thanksgiving. Should we not, therefore, continually and profoundly express to our beloved Father, as well as we are able, our unbounded gratitude for the supernal gift of prayer and for His answers that meet our needs while motivating us to grow?"

The Privilege of Prayer
"There is a risk that a person may not feel good enough to pray. This idea comes from that evil spirit who is the one who teaches us not to pray (see 2 Nephi 32:8). It is as tragic to think we are too sinful to pray as it is for a very sick person to believe he is too sick to go to the doctor!
We must not imagine that any kind of prayer, no matter how sincere, will be very effective if all we do is to say the prayer. We must not only say our prayers; we must also live them. The Lord is much more pleased with the person who prays and then goes to work than with the person who only prays. Much like medicine, prayer works only when we use it as directed.
When I say that prayer is a sweet privilege, it is not just because I am grateful to be able to talk to Heavenly Father and to feel His Spirit when I pray."\

The Lord Ordained Prayer
"Prayer is not something of relative insignificance which we may choose to do if the fancy strikes us. Rather, it is an eternal decree of Deity. “Thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore,” was his word in the first dispensation. “And Adam and Eve, his wife, ceased not to called upon God.” (Moses 5:8, 16.) In our day we are instructed: “Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (D&C 4:7.) Home teachers are appointed in the Church to “visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret.” (D&C 20:47.) And speaking by way of “commandment” to his latter-day people, the Lord says: “He that observeth not his prayers before the Lord in the season thereof, let him be had in remembrance before the judge of my people.” (D&C 68:33.)...
Pray regularly, consistently, day in and day out; and also, live with the spirit of prayer always in your heart, so that your thoughts, words, and acts are always such as will please Him who is Eternal. Amulek speaks of praying “both morning, mid-day, and evening,” and says we should pour out our souls to the Lord in our closets, in our secret places, and in the wilderness. (See Alma 34:17–29.) Jesus commanded both personal and family prayer: “Watch and pray always,” he said; and also, “Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name, that your wives and your children may be blessed.” (3 Ne. 18:15, 21.)...
Prayer opens the door to peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. Prayer is essential to salvation. Unless and until we make it a living part of us so that we speak to our Father and have his voice answer, by the power of his Spirit, we are yet in our sins."

Teaching Children about Prayer
"Our attitude before and after we pray is important. To act as if prayer were merely a necessary interruption of our daily activities and to approach it with a “let’s get it over with” attitude is to greatly minimize its meaning in our lives. To fail to prepare to speak with the Lord will often result in mechanical, lifeless prayers that accomplish nothing. Likewise, to rush from our prayers, never giving them another thought, will make them far less effective and meaningful in our lives.
One family tries to make family prayer a calm, worthwhile experience by having a transition time before they pray. “When we call for prayer, we are interrupting the lives of many people involved in various tasks and projects. Everyone has his mind focused on what he was doing, and we need to take a few minutes to prepare ourselves for prayer. [We] may say to [our] children, ‘Let’s take a few moments to think about who we are praying to and why. Let’s quietly think about what … we are grateful for. …"

Strengthening Quorums and Members
"From the handbook we learn, “The family is ordained of God. It is the most important unit in time and in eternity.”
Elder Ballard: That’s a wonderful example, Sister Wixom. Now let’s talk about what did we learn from just that little example?
Sister Wixom: Did you feel the Spirit in that home? Just like Elder Nelson taught us earlier today, it was a sanctuary of faith. Those hearts of those family members, they knew the gospel was true. They just needed that visit from a Primary presidency to connect the children to the parents and strengthen that family.
Elder Ballard: And also the power of those little children and the children intermingling within the Primary organization. And so even little children can be part of this great cause of being the one that might be able to help bring another one to activity in the Church.
Anything particularly, Elder Rasband, that stands out to you that you’d like to comment on?
Elder Rasband: I was moved with the spirit of the children. In my viewing of that little segment, it was the children that helped bring their parents back, that helped bring them to church by their loving to go to Primary activities and their loving to go to church on Sunday, even though the mother and the father couldn’t go. And I think this is a great example of how the children can help bring along their parents.
Elder Ballard: The example that we had on the video, Sister Wixom, those children were learning. What were they learning? I mean, their responses, I thought, were terrific.
Sister Wixom: I picked up on that too. They had participated in Primary enough to know and feel a testimony of the Book of Mormon and the power of prayer. And they took that home to their families.
Sister Dalton: You know, it’s all about conversion, and they said they like to read in the Book of Mormon and pray. And when you’re converted, the natural result of that is that you do strengthen your brethren."

Conversion through Prayer and Fasting
"I was released from the hospital on a Friday and on Sunday my son reported on his mission. I was able to attend although I was very weak and had to be helped into the church by my two boys. The opening hymn was “Count Your Blessings”. As I absorbed the words I fell apart, overcome with the blessings and the love that I had received. In Doctrine and Covenants 19:38 we read, “Pray always and I will pour out my Spirit upon you and great shall be your blessings–yea even more than if you should obtain treasures of earth and corruptibleness to the extent thereof.” I am living proof of the truthfulness of this scripture. I know that love of my Heavenly Father and Jesus surrounded me and that the Holy Ghost was at my side."

1 comment:

Mr. Adam Taylor said...

I don't feel as thought i pray as i should... When i do pray... its for just enough to get my by... and when i get more than i asked for... i waste it away in the blink of an eye...