
Search, Ponder & Pray!

I read my scriptures everyday. I am compelled to do so for within the words contained I find strength, wisdom and joy. I also pray many times a day. Talking to the Lord and offering up the thoughts of my heart fills me with joy and comfort. I should not need to add that these are also commandments but despite how "command" may be interpreted, following these direct orders always leads to happiness. Any deviation results in unhappiness. If you are not happy then which of these are you not doing everyday?

A New Writing
"Over time I have come to appreciate the differences among reading, studying, searching, pondering, and feasting on the scriptures. Reading is to learn from what one sees in writing or print. Studying is an act of contemplation. Searching means to look carefully to find or discover something. Pondering is to weigh in the mind. Feasting means to partake abundantly."

Power over Satan
"How, then, may we resist the evil one? In all his evil doings, the adversary can go no further than the transgressor permits him to go, and we can gain complete power to resist the evils caused by Satan through adherence to the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Members of the Church may have the blessing of the Holy Ghost, the prompter, as a companion as well, and when the Holy Ghost is really within us, Satan must remain without. Study of the scriptures, prayer, faithful living of the commandments of the Lord, the discharge of church obligations and duties, being a considerate neighbor, and using the heaven-sent program of family home evenings can provide a basis for having the Holy Ghost as a constant companion and protector, which will result in peace and happiness."

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