
Be still, and know that I am God

"Be still, and know that I am God..."
-Pslam 46:10

I have not often thought of this scripture but I find it applies in all daily things. I find gratitude even for my trials. I often speak about this and say that overcoming our trials is how we progress and without hardship and and opposition there can be no progress.
That being said, in our trials, may be remember that we are loved by a powerful and merciful Heavenly Father. May we remember that He knows us each individually and can call us by name.
His power is as great and mighty as His love is true and boundless. I find myself often in the midst of His testing. I do my best to do what He wants and still is my life rarely easy. I do not wish for an easy life, however. That would be boring and without growth. Despite these times, I know that God knows me and cares about my life and my family and my ever changing situation. Other people may worry. I remain still and know my Father loves me and will take care of me. My faith has never waiverd and He has always shown that my faith is never misplaced.

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